Why Technology Cannot Replace Korner Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Security guards surveillanceKorner Security guards and computer surveillance are not interchangeable. However, this pair can work together seamlessly to provide exceptional security for your business.

The evolution of security technology and the availability of all-encompassing security platforms and programs make it tempting to switch from human-staffed security to technology-only security. This choice is a dangerous one to make though. Korner Security guards, simply enough, cannot be replaced by digital or electronic security alone.

The Importance of After-Hours Korner Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

After-hours Korner Security guardThings always seem a little suspect in the dark, which is one reason trespassers use the cover of night to do their “work.” If you don’t have 24/7 Korner Security guards on your premises, the daytime hours may be free from problems. However, if you find your business susceptible to threats after hours, having armed security guards on duty can be an incredibly powerful tool against potential criminals and troublemakers.

7 Reasons to Love Your Korner Security Guard

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

love Korner security guardIt doesn’t need to be February 14 for you to properly appreciate the services your security team provides for your business. Whether on the clock all day every day or not, security guards serve an incredibly important purpose in the safe and continuous functioning of a business or facility. Here are just seven reasons for you to love your Korner Security guard.

Why People Should Take Security Guards Seriously

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

take security guards seriouslyPop culture often informs our opinions, though not always accurately, about otherwise unfamiliar professions. Security guards are one such area where confusion and inaccuracies reign supreme. Take, for example, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, which shows a laughable security guard with some questionable decision-making abilities. Then there are movies like The Bodyguard, where Kevin Costner, as a former Secret Service agent, gives security a daunting name. Let’s set the record straight: No matter where they are stationed, no matter what responsibilities they are entrusted with, in today’s fractured society, security guards are essential to the safety of residents, customers, employees, and people in all manner of settings and situations.

4 Security Resolutions to Use for Your Business Right Now

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

kind security guardIt doesn’t matter what month or day of the year it is – there is never a wrong time to review and revise the existing security plans at your place of business. With new technologies and savvier criminals, threats to businesses, schools, places of worship, and even private estates are growing. Having security guards on-site 24/7 ensures that safety is never at risk, and any unexpected and unwanted invasions are stopped before they have the opportunity to escalate.

6 Reasons to Beef Up Retail Holiday Security

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

holiday security guardCybersecurity issues are a serious threat to retailers throughout the holiday season, with hackers poaching store proprietary information as well as customer data. However, it is important not to overlook other security problems that are likely to arise during this busy time of the year.

10 Reasons Your Building Needs a Concierge Security Guard

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

concierge security guardWhether you are the owner and operator of an office building, apartment building, or mixed-use facility, concierge security guards are a must to ensure the safety of all building occupants at all times. A concierge security guard – also known as a front desk security guard – is a blanket term that applies to a professional who monitors the comings and goings of a building’s occupants and guests, as well as activities taking place on the premises.

No Building Project Should Commence without Construction Site Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Construction Site Security GuardsConstruction sites are dangerous areas. If you haven’t been hired as a construction worker, architect, engineer, or otherwise for a particular project, you shouldn’t be in that construction zone. However, there is one additional professional who should be on the premises – construction site security guards. Without active-duty guards keeping watch over the comings and goings of workers and deliveries, construction zones are susceptible to the whims of vandals, thieves, squatters, and troublemakers.

4 Areas of Weakness Within Car Dealership Security

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

car dealership security

Stealing a car is a big deal, and who would dare attempt to drive off with a vehicle directly from a car dealership? These thefts happen, but there are other crimes that are even more common when it comes to dealerships. Neglecting to address major points of security will ensure that your enterprise is always at risk for theft and vandalism. With car dealership security guards in place, the nefarious can be avoided.

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