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5 Reasons Security Guards Love Their Jobs

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

happy korner security guardSecurity guards have different responsibilities depending on their location, the hours of the day they’re working, and the activity happening around them. They may be keeping watch over a busy car dealership or a quiet office/apartment building. They may be monitoring a construction site or a funeral home. From hospitals to schools to estate security, the possible stations are many. What all security guard jobs have in common, though, is to maintain a safe environment for residents, employees, customers, and visitors at all costs.

Be Ready for Social-Distancing Protests with a Security Guard Presence

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

social distancing protests michigan korner security guardsPeople are stuck at home because of COVID-19, and some have begun protesting to show their displeasure. Michigan is a hot spot for disgruntled citizens. Protestors have gathered at the state capitol, making it clear they are no longer tolerant of the measures that have closed non-essential businesses and urged residents to stay home. It’s only a matter of time before these highly charged gatherings become dangerous, frequent, and widespread – armed Korner Security guards are a necessity in such troubled times.

Maintain Office Building Security in the Time of Coronavirus

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

korner security guard coronavirus office buildingMany office buildings that are usually busy and heavily populated throughout the day have gone dark, or at least have gone very quiet with only a few people milling about. Everyone is following social distancing protocols, working from home, and getting used to a new normal. Thieves and vandals, however, are always on the lookout for opportunities to get what they want as easily as possible, even during coronavirus. It’s more important than ever to have security guards on duty in vacant buildings to avoid problems and keep your business safe.

4 Ways Security Guards Protect Your Business Park

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

detroit business park korner security guardsBusiness parks are busy places that pull commercial buildings together or combine work-live-play communities. There is activity at all hours in the busiest mixed-use facilities because of varying work schedules and comings and goings of residents and visitors. Whether places are open around the clock or have normal business hours, they are always at risk. Having security guards on site 24/7 maintains order, develops a reputation of safety, and keeps workers, patrons, and inhabitants safe.

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