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Improve Customer Service by Hiring Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

customer service korner security guardEvery retail enterprise, hospitality establishment, or business in the leisure industry wants to be known for delivering excellent customer service. This benefit comes from more than just well-trained employees stationed behind the counter or working the floor. Great customer service feels also come from having security guards as a fixture at your place of business.

Add Security Guards at Bars and Restaurants on St. Patrick’s Day

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

St. Patrick's Day security guard Korner SecuritySt. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday in 2023, which means the revelry that the Irish and all their friends like to engage in will be even more raucous than usual. Bars and restaurants will reap the monetary rewards of a busy night, but this is also a high-risk time for theft and security breaches. If your establishment actively celebrates March 17 and you expect a crowd, get a solid plan in place with the following security guard safety tips.

Holiday Safety Tips for Traveling Families

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

holiday safety tips korner securityEveryone knows how to keep themselves and their family safe, but it’s easy to forget those basics when you’re busy, exhausted, stressed out, and preparing for travel during the holidays. Korner Security offers holiday safety tips for homeowners, so you don’t put your home or loved ones at risk when you’re supposed to be reveling in each other’s company and joy.

7 Reasons to Be Thankful for Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

thankful for korner security guardsSecurity guards watch over the public and property, from schools to apartment buildings, offices to shopping malls. These professionals are often the first line of defense when it comes to emergencies and threats to public safety. Here are just some of the reasons to be thankful for security guards, whether they are visible or behind the scenes, doing the tasks that keep us safe.

4 Ways to Improve the Safety of Your Gated Community

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Secuity guards gated communityGated communities are marketed as safer and more secure than any other residences. Nevertheless, the homes in these neighborhoods, no matter what size they are, are still vulnerable to trespassers, thieves, and vandals. That big, imposing gate and perimeter fence can always be breached by an enterprising criminal. Enhance the safety of your gated community with multiple security measures to truly protect everyone who lives inside.

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