5 Businesses That Need Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

businesses need korner security guardsAll business owners need to think about safety and security for their staff, clients, customers, selves, assets, and proprietary information. From burglary to assault, data breaches to physical damage, there are many potential security threats that can harm your business and people within minutes. With trained, armed, and uniformed security guards on site, emergencies can be prevented and squashed.

Constant Protection: Armed School Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

school security guard jobs korner securityGun violence in schools is a sad, horrific reality. No one wants to belong to the community of the next Robb Elementary or Sandy Hook Elementary or any of the 14 schools and colleges that have been the targets of mass shootings since 1999. One way to help students, administrators, and parents feel better about their safety is with multiple armed school security guards on campus.

Memorial Day Safety Tips from Korner Security

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Security guards Memorial Day tipsOne-day holidays may not seem like a major security threat. After all, you’re only away from home for a day, a long weekend at most. But it only takes thieves mere minutes to make their way into your home – or business – and wreak major havoc. Korner Security guards offer smart Memorial Day safety tips to keep you, your family, your possessions, and your business safe on this last weekend in May.

Don’t Rely on Luck, Rely on Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

korner security guards michigan luckyYou are lucky that your business has always been safe. You are lucky that your building has never been vandalized. You are lucky that no one has ever threatened the safety of your patrons, residents, or employees. Luck is a weightless, arbitrary, unreal thing – but when it comes to true safety, you make your own good luck when you have security guards on your side.

Does Your Place of Worship Need Church Security Guards?

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

church security guards synagogue korner securityIn a country more divided than ever, where words and actions of hate can be found far too easily, there is one area that is especially vulnerable but often overlooked – religious institutions. In Florida, the non-profit organization JewBelong is trying to change this reality and has run a billboard campaign to raise awareness about anti-Semitism. One of the billboards reads: “Does your church need armed guards? Cause our synagogue does.” So, the question is: Does your place of worship need church security guards?

Make a Resolution: Increase Security Guard Presence in the New Year

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Security guard presence New YearIndividuals make personal resolutions and business owners make company-wide resolutions that are good for them, their employees, and their patrons. What should be on the agenda in 2022? In a world that keeps getting more worrisome, adding security guards to your premises is a safe bet and a resolution worth initiating and keeping all year long.

Korner Security Tips: Keep Your Home Safe on Halloween

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

home safe at halloween korner security guard tipsVandalism and Halloween go hand-in-hand. Some of the acts are minor and simply annoying, like toilet paper in your front yard. Other behaviors are more destructive and could even lead to the need to file a police report or insurance claim. Here are tips to keep your home safe on Halloween so you can make sure it’s truly a fun-filled night for you and your family.

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