Memorial Day Safety Tips from Korner Security

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Security guards Memorial Day tipsOne-day holidays may not seem like a major security threat. After all, you’re only away from home for a day, a long weekend at most. But it only takes thieves mere minutes to make their way into your home – or business – and wreak major havoc. Korner Security guards offer smart Memorial Day safety tips to keep you, your family, your possessions, and your business safe on this last weekend in May.

Skip Social Media

It is tempting to post photos on social media about the good times you’re having with family and friends on the lake or at the barbecue over Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately, there are plenty of opportunistic thieves who are watching you leave a trail of where you are and where you are not. Wait until you return to your house to upload your great photos, or if you must post do so in a way that makes it seem like you’re enjoying your holiday from the comfort of your own home.

Safeguard Your Home

There are many things you can do to secure your home for while you’re away, including securing windows, cutting tree limbs away from second-story windows, and stashing objects that allow easy access to enter a window or hop over a fence, like trash cans or ladders. Use timers to turn on lights throughout the house at various times every evening. Turn on your house alarm and surveillance system.

Rely on Your Neighbors

It’s a good idea to have someone keep their eyes on your home when you’re not there. Ask a neighbor you trust to watch your place, pick up your mail, collect packages or newspapers, and report any suspicious activity. You’ll undoubtedly be happy to return the favor to them when they’re the ones going out of town.

Don’t Hire New Staff

If your business will be open over the holiday weekend, perhaps even having longer holiday hours, make sure the staff you’re using are the ones you’ve long employed and trust. Hiring new staff just before a major holiday leaves you open to untrustworthy individuals, as well as those who simply aren’t familiar with the job and are likely to make costly and dangerous mistakes.

Prevent Cargo Theft

For businesses, there is an increased risk of cargo theft over a holiday like Memorial Day because thieves know there are plenty of unattended trucks and closed warehouses with goods just sitting still until the next business day. Leaving equipment unattended and parking trucks in unsecured lots is problematic. High-visibility lighting, secure fences, and hiring uniformed security guards for the premises over this brief holiday weekend can change everything.

Book Your Memorial Day Korner Security Guards Now

If you are concerned about your property or business or belongings over Memorial Day weekend or any holiday, contact Korner Security to discuss your concerns. Our guards are always ready to be deployed to monitor your home or property, whether you need someone 24 hours a day, armed or unarmed, daytime or after-hours.

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