Protect Students at School with Korner Security Guards

Written by elizabeth on . Posted in Security Guards

Korner Security guards school securityWhen it’s time for students to go back to school, many parents happily send them on their way. But horrific mass shootings at elementary schools, high schools, and on college campuses have filled parents with trepidation about entrusting their kids to any educational institution. Knowing that Korner Security guards are on-site can help ease concerns and make parents – and students and teachers – feel safer about school.

The Benefits of Full-Time School Security Guards

Making security a priority at your school should be an easy decision. How that security is carried out, however, is unique to each school. Here are just some of the benefits of having a security guard on staff full-time:

  • Build relationships: Smart Korner Security guards work to establish a rapport with the students they protect. When students may not trust instructors and administrators when it comes to serious issues, a security guard is considered a reliable, go-to resource for concerns about threats, violence, and bullying.
  • Monitor entrances and exits: Because the threat of violence is such a concern for schools, whittling down the building entrance to one location can help curb fears and maintain security. With security guards stationed at the front entrance, and the additional help of surveillance cameras and intercoms, visitors can be visually identified before entrance is granted. A visitor management system makes it possible to check IDs and screen for a criminal record, sex offender status, and presence on a list of people who are barred from the campus. Access control is easy if not properly monitored by a live security guard.
  • Minimize vulnerable areas: Stairwells, rarely used classrooms, and dark pathways are just some of the vulnerable locations of potential trouble on a school campus. There is so much focus on school shootings that it can be easy to overlook day-to-day security issues. School safety in general is important, from supervision of classrooms to de-escalation of conflict.
  • Secure the perimeter: School parking lots can be home to plenty of problems. Security guards monitor the comings and goings of students and staff at appropriate times and deter unwanted behavior.
  • Protect at special events: From concerts to graduations, plays to open houses, back to school nights to PTA meetings, school special events mean that there will be more people at the school than just the staff and students. On-site security guards enforce safety during times when atypical visitors are on the premises.

Identifying Your School’s Unique Security Needs

It’s important to remember that security guards are at a school to ensure school safety and respond to criminal activity, not to enforce discipline. At Korner Security, school security guards are trained properly to understand their role in a school’s system, and the right guards are placed appropriately so their temperament and experience will gel best with children, adolescents, and young adults.

Concerns about whether guards should be armed or uniformed are all decisions for each school district or university to evaluate so they can best protect their students. Contact Korner Security to discuss your school’s security needs and develop a risk assessment that identifies potential safety risks. We provide personalized security solutions to suit your unique situation. Contact our experts to discuss your school security needs.

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